Friday, November 18, 2011

Should all illegal aliens receive a gift basket upon crossing our borders?

I think we could at least provide them with some complimentary gifts to make them feel more welcome.

Here's some things we could put in each basket:

Drivers license

Insurance card

Social Security card

Get out of jail free card

$10 gift certificate to Wal-Mart

I know it's not much, but it's the least we can do for our unwelcomed guests... right?

Should all illegal aliens receive a gift basket upon crossing our borders?
LOL, I think the libs are passing those out now !

SAY NO TO THE DREAM ACT, or the welcome basket will have a voucher for a free college education in there too.....
Reply:Sounds good but don't forget put white p,ussy, because we love it
Reply:These answers are amazing.
Reply:Why not, but then don't they get all that stuff anyway??? You don't have to be a citizen to get a drivers license,at least in Ohio and Michigan.

Then let's give them free health care, low rent housing, let them work without paying taxes and breed indiscriminately. Sound great, huh??
Reply:Please tell us that you are being sarcastic!!!
Reply:you forgot a bomb that will explode as soon as they open the bag.
Reply:How about a one-way ticket back to Europe, where the Pilgrims came from?
Reply:Give them all a free stay at the White House. After all, Bush invited them.
Reply:By one of the BP or National Guard greeter personnel, you mean?

(I mean, if they can't shoot to wound fleeing drug smugglers and can't even go armed, respectively, what else are they doing with their time?)
Reply:How do you think they count the poor people in this country? The poorest among us are the illegals! They already get free health care! And most have drivers licenses. Yup, just the social security card and the Walmart gift card should do it, compliments of Hillary!
Reply:add hospitable insurance and medical doctor cards, a new car, a glock .357 and all the shells, locations of all the orange grooves, etc etc.....why not?? good luck
Reply:What about a one way ticket to Canada so they can be "refuges"
Reply:ignorance at its best

go ahead and slap yourself!
Reply:I think a 1 way return ticket would be more appropos?
Reply:How about anthrax.
Reply:harsh but funny and a complimentary meal at Taco Bell:-P
Reply:Hell no! the only thing we should give them people is the business end of a 44 mag. To turn around and go back where they came from.
Reply:Yes, but you forgot a few things.

ACLU membership card.

Food Stamps

Subscription to the "La Raza Times"

$500.00 cash

Taco Bell coupon book
Reply:No. Why should we reward people for breaking the rules? Therefore, my answer is still NO.
Reply:You're too late. They already get that stuff upon arrival. Don't forget the free health care and education opportunities!
Reply:I thought they already get all this without it needing to be a gift they just demand it.
Reply:Let's just shoot them on site, and the hell with the rest!
Reply:dont forget the tax-exempt card.

coach fur boots

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