Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What should to include in an article on Corporate Gift Baskets?

I have to write an article on the topic - Corporate Gift Baskets...

So can anyone suggest me what exactly i have to write on that...

What should to include in an article on Corporate Gift Baskets?
You don't say who the audience is, but my guess is that you want to write an article that talks about how great gift baskets are and that offers suggestions on what to put in them, and maybe provides info on some companies who produce things like this. One thing you really need to mention is that many corporations do not allow employees to accept gifts over a certain small dollar amount, like maybe $50. A great way to get around this is to go with "personalized" items such as coffee mugs, notepads, pens, etc. Personalized items are difficult to price. I would say that if someone's looking to produce a large number of gift baskets, he or she should work with a professional. One great company is Artfull Baskets, in Santa Monica, California (www.artfullbaskets.com).
Reply:Google has more than 200,000 sites about corporate gift baskets.

If I were you, I would reflect on why this now a part of corporate culture? What is the raison d'etre for a gift basket? Is it ethical? What is the guid pro quo of this practise??

The contents of any corporate gift basket must be related to the purpose of handing these out. What does the corporation expect in return? Surely no one offers gift baskets without some expectation? Given this, what is the rationale or expectation? Is that ethical? Is this what competition has been reduced to? Bribery? Seducements?

I would be tempted to write how corporate gift baskets reflect the state of competition . . . how far you want to go with the morality or, in your case, etiquette is up to you . . . %26lt;smile%26gt;

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